Main Entry:
14th century
1 a: destitute of knowledge or education
My husband, Jeff, is a welder. This morning, he told me that last night, he was talking to a co-worker. This co-worker does not believe in God whatsoever. My husband stated to him that at one time, he was also ignorant about Jesus. Afterwards, he felt kind of bad because he wondered if he was too harsh with this co-worker by calling him ignorant. He didn't mean it in a negative way, but wondered if the co-worker would take it as an insult to him.
This morning, he found this verse:
"For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God." ~Romans 10:3
Upon reading the above verse, my husband felt relieved. He was only trying to express to his co-worker the same feelings that he himself felt before he accepted Jesus. Growing up, my husband was not exposed to Jesus, or the Bible, or anything of that nature. He was never taken to church, and as he grew older, he never had the desire to go to church or read the Bible, because he wasn't aware. He wasn't around people who could influence him to turn to Jesus. He was ignorant. It wasn't until about 12 years ago, when he was a welder in New Jersey, that he met someone who had recently been hired at my husband's job.
This man told my husband that he needed Jesus. That was the turning point for my husband. Jeff started a relationship with Jesus, started reading the Bible, and accepted Jesus Christ and was baptized in April 2004. He was no longer ignorant.
Sadly, after we moved to West Virginia, Jeff lost contact with this man who introduced him to Jesus. We've tried looking for him, without any luck. Hopefully, some day, we'll find him.
Stay close to Jesus!
It's amazing how God touches the soul through another...it is the joy of expressing the truth that walks and talks with us...the Lord sent his messenger and all he asked was that the recipient declare the same to another...wonderful story..I am endeared to this because my Father was a welder...I too dabble in the art of metal molding...it's the boldness of Christ in us that we express to others...it's the Holy Spirit that touches the soul of the recipient...ignorance can never be a choice when the Truth has been revealed