Monday, October 4, 2010

A Hole in Your Sole vs. A Hole in Your Soul

This morning, Jeff found an old pair of knock-off crocs that have a hole in the sole of one of them. What to do with them? It's a tiny hole, really, but I only paid about 5 bucks for them at Wal*mart and it really wouldn't be a big deal to throw them away. I can just buy him another pair, right?

This got me thinking, though, about the similarities between a hole in a "sole" and a hole in a "soul".

A hole in both a "sole" and a "soul" suffer the same consequences...........

~Leave that hole alone in your "sole", and it gets bigger, more filth and dirt get in, and you feel more pain when you step on even the tiniest pebble, because there is no barrier to protect your foot.

~Leave that hole alone in your "soul", and it gets bigger, more filth and dirt get in, and you feel more pain when the tiniest hurt occurs, because there is no barrier to protect your heart.

~Leave that hole alone in your "sole", and that dirt that gets in through that hole gets your foot or sock dirty, making more work for you to keep it clean.

~Leave that hole alone in your "soul", and that dirt that gets in through that hole gets your heart dirty, making more work for you to keep it clean.

~You can have the hole in your "sole" repaired and you'll have a barrier to keep the dirt and filth from getting through, and you'll feel less pain when you step on things.

~You can have the hole in your "soul" repaired and you'll have a barrier to keep the dirt and filth from getting through, and you'll feel less pain when others step on you.

How can you have that hole in your "sole" repaired? You can use a variety of methods~~tape, glue, cement. You can even take it to someone to repair but it will definitely cost and the time it will take to bring that "sole" to someone to repair it. And after all is said and done, you'll still have a "sole" with a repaired hole, but it will never be new again.

How can you have that hole in your "soul" repaired? There is only one way to get that hole repaired, and it won't cost you a thing! You can take it to Jesus Christ to repair it. All He'll ask for in payment is for you to confess your sins, repent, believe that He came to us to die for us sinners on the Cross, and accept Him into your heart. He won't repair that hole in your "soul", He will make it new again! Because once you confess your sins, repent of your old ways, believe that He died for you, and accept Him into your heart, you are made new again. You are "born again". You won't feel that you're walking around with a repaired hole in your "soul", because you will have a new soul, and it didn't cost you a thing! What a great deal!

Of course, you can just forget about having the hole in your "sole" repaired and just toss the shoe in the garbage or burn them, and just go out and buy a new pair (there goes that "cost" again).

This is where the similarities end, though~~~~

Forget about having the hole in your "soul" repaired and just toss your life in the garbage or burn it...........but you can't just go out and buy a new life. There's also the matter of cost for that option of not having that hole in your "soul" eternal cost for an eternal vacation that I don't think you'll want to pay for.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.


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