Tuesday, January 22, 2013

When There's Conflict

Sometimes, there's a need to stick up for yourself, when there is conflict.  However, please remember: 

1) Try not to get fired up unless someone is hurting you or any member of your family. 

2) Even when you're fired up,  try to act respectful and matter-of-factly...NO NAME-CALLING! 

3) Speak to the person like how you think Jesus would speak to the person, we represent Him and we are supposed to be witnesses to Him. 

4) Think about, and pray about what you want to say to that person. 

5) Once you've had your say with the person, just let it go. Forgive. No holding grudges! 

6) If the person chooses to never speak to you again, so be it. He or she is the one with the problem and needs to deal with it. Sometimes, the truth hurts and some people don't like hearing the truth.

7) Do not get involved in retaliation.

Most importantly...pray for the person that you're having the conflict with. More often than not, he or she isn't a believer and only knows the ways of the world.

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